In our fourth hour Art of Film class we recently finished the film "Groundhog Day", directed by Harold Ramis and starring Bill Murray. I had previously seen this film a good two or three times, however, I still enjoyed being able to re-live each comedic moment as Bill Murray so expertly acted them out. I love watching this movie, I don't think it could ever really get old for me just because each time different aspects of the movie catch you off guard. The first time watching it I remember being touched on how he cared for the older man who died that day. The second time I remember laughing long and hard over his "suicide montage" that I didn't find as appealing the first time. This time watching it, it was the little details. Details such as Ned Rierson's reactions that so fine-tuned the production of the movie it added the last detail to make it so great. The words to the song as well, as pointed out by Mr. K., definitely added more to the immense detail and planning put into this film, let alone all the different camera angles, shots, and filming detail we have learned so much about in class. Overall I really enjoyed viewing Groundhog Day and would recommend it to anybody who enjoys a exuberant comedy.
You definitely bring up a good point about catching things differently after seeing a movie numerous times. This happened to me this weekend with Jurassic Park. I also agree that it is really a great movie.
I agree, the little stuff in the movie does make the overall production that much better, good point.
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